"Man is born free, but he is always in chains."
That's actually the first quote I saw this morning. It was printed on the back part of a guy's tee. And later, I was surprised to see more of them at school. On the front part of their shirt it screamed: I LOVE PHILOSOPHY.
I don't know why I kept on thinking about it. Part of me thinks it's true. The other part, well. . . I don't know. "Man is born free, but he is always in chains." It kinda had this spark on me-that I was born free, yet I'm struggling to break the smothering chains choking me.
You know that very well, my dear friend. You know everything there is to know about River Antoinette Driscoll, and thank God she found someone like you.
I think I'll catch a cold pretty soon. As you can see, I'm in the library pouring my silenced thoughts into you. It's way too cold with the air condintioning around sixteen degrees celsius. You feel it too, don't you? And look at me, I'm on a sleveless red blouse with a denim vest.
Oh yeah, I'm trying to turn away from the subject again. You see, something happened. It was long before, but the thought just hit me right now. Do you remeber when I told you I almost flunked my college algebra? Yes. That part. I told you it wouldn't bother me right? But you know, the more I run from it, the more it chases me. And once again, I've been dragged to pressure myself to get my grade going.
Whoo! Have you digested it? you can barf it out anytime.
dropping again,
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